A cinematic love letter, a hidden perspective of Berlin by night.
Different artists unite to declare their love to the city and our time, in a re-imagination of the silent film classic 'Berlin - Symphony of a Great City'.
A vision of remarkable filmmakers and renowned musicians from the electronic music scene, such as Frank Wiedemann (Ame), Modeselektor, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Gudrun Gut, Samon Kawamura.
Director Johannes Schaff
Writer n/a
Distribution NFP
Music Frank Wiedemann (curator), with
Hans-Joachim Roedelius,
Samon Kawamura,
Gudrun Gut & Thomas Fehlmann,
Production Companies Pappel Studios,
Endorphine Production
Producers Brendan Shelper, Fabian Massah,
Marc Malze, Max Hassemer
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2018, Documentary/Music, 65'